
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Google+ announces 300 Million monthly users

Google+ Making a mark in Social Media

Google announced yesterday that they are at 300 million monthly active users. This is nothing to take lightly especially if you are a business and your not using the other social media giant. That's right Google+ is gaining headway in the Social landscape. Granted they are still a long way's away from the numbers of Facebook, but with numbers like this you would be a fool not to be using it to gain attention from your audience. Along with the 300 Million number Google stated that when they included metrics from the +1 and features like plugins they have a staggering reach of 540 Million users. 

If you're not using Google+ you are leaving customers to be had by your competitors.

It's no surprise that Google+ is doing so well and could be considered on the tail of the Social giant Facebook. If you use Google+ you will notice a couple of things, or at least this is what I notice. Things like more intellectual posts from user's for one. Whenever I log on to my Google Plus account and browse my news feed I'm always pleasantly surprised at the quality of content posted. Sure you have to know who to follow to see the good content but that is easily done with the aid of suggestions from Google.  There are a lot of interesting people and companies on Google Plus that deliver great content to absorb. I don't see to much marketing which is also a nice thing for a change. Don't get me wrong there are a fair amount of people publishing links to their content that they are trying to share but again it is usually good stuff. 
So as a marketer that helps businesses reach more potential customers I strongly recommend that you start using Google Plus if you havent already. Just like any other social network it takes time to build an audience but if you follow suite of others and post quality content and engage with others you will find yourself quickly getting more traffic to your site. One of the main attractions to using Google Plus over others is how they index all of your posts to show up in the search engine that they own, Google. This is a huge benefit when you want to reach more people. Say you post an article that is relevant to someone searching the net, your article just might show up above the fold telling the person searching that this content is a great match for what you are looking for, and Bam you have yourself a new prospect. 
In my opinion Google has a more mature audience than Facebook who is actually losing the younger demographics according to recent surveys. Take it from me and give it a try if you haven't yet and if you have created an account and haven't used it by all means start using it. You will be pleasantly surprised I'm sure.
What are your thoughts or experiences with Google Plus? I'd love to hear it let me know in the comment section below this post.

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